Narrative: What does the clip suggest about this particular storyline for Waterloo Road? This clip shows that there was a fire alarm that went off so the students had to evacuate the building however when they are outside, the new girl, Gabriella arrives. Gabriella is shown as a higher class (rich) person as they has a personalised number plate on their car. The narrative is clearly that Gabriella is in the school to experience harsh reality because she is from a rich background and she hasn't experienced what it takes to be an upper class. There is also a bit of romance in the clip, this is shown when Gabriella kisses a boy when her father told her to take of the lips stick.
What I expect that Gabriella will settle in easily in her new school because she has already kissed someone which shows that she is confident to do it in front of students, teachers and even her parents. She will impact on existing storylines because she will be taking the scene and will be known as a popular student.
Character: The characters are typical of a TV Drama of a sub-genre of romance and drama. At the beginning it shows students speaking amongst themselves which shows that teachers in the school aren't very strict in dangerous situations e.g. where there may be a fire. The new student, Gabriella particularly is presented as a glamorous student in the first shot of her as she is applying lip stick. Another school-based stereotype is romance and it is shown in '0:59' where Gabriella is kissing another boy when she is told to take her lip stick off. The new character is introduced as a person from a rich background as the students parents have a customised number plate on their car, particularly people from rich backgrounds have customised number plates.
Iconography: There is some iconography which is shown in the familiar. The costume that they are wearing is a school uniform however it isn't worn properly. This tells the consumer that the school is unprofessional and isn't strict at all. There isn't much props used however there was lip stick which Gabriella used to show authority towards other students.
Setting: The location is designer so the audience is familiar with what is where. The setting is taken place in a school which is a ordinary location for the consumer however the consumers know that a lot will take place in this location. This will promise the consumer a lot of drama will take place and also will remind them that it is a drama, romance series.
Monday, 19 June 2017
Thursday, 27 April 2017
- How is the white middle-class male hero presented? Is this representation conforming to other representations of white men in action films? Why? In this action film, the white middle-class man is presented as a hero because he is saving his daughter that has been kidnapped and it is conforming to other white males in action films as the hero because in this film a white male has saved someone so they may stereotype other white males as heroes.
- How are females represented? Are the women being rescued by men? Why? In films, females are represented as weak and usually have a less dominant role. Females are also represented as not being able to take care of themselves when they're in trouble. In this film, the female is being rescued by a white middle-classed male.
- How are eastern-Europeans represented? What might the fact the human-traffickers are Albanian suggest to the audience? The eastern-Europeans are represented as bad people because they're kidnapping people and torturing them so people will now stereotype all eastern-European people as bad people. The fact that the human traffickers are Albanians, it will allow people to stereotype that all Albanians are human traffickers.
- How is Europe represented? Remember, the film involves an American girl visiting Europe for the first time - is Europe presented as safe? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points. Europe is represented as dangerous and scary because in the film the American girl visits Europe for the first time with her friend and she ends up being kidnapped. This will allow people to stereotype that Europe isn't a safe place.
Evaluating my production work: Assignment 2
1) What typical features (conventions) of a film poster have you used? How do they help to make the poster effective in attracting an audience? (Key conventions include title, release date, institutional information, reviews, a central image etc.)
The title 'RESURRECTION' means death so when the audience look at the title, they will know that this movie has death in it and is a thriller/horror movie.The central image for my film poster is the murderer and the blood on the shirt stands out to the audience to let the audience know that there will be violence in this film and the audience will automatically recognise that the film is horror. The central image is looking down because no one knows who he is. The tagline ' Just when you thought everything was fine' allows the audience to know more about what might happen during the film. The reviews of the film will let the audience know that this film is a great film to watch as newspaper companies rate it high and recommend to watch it. The release date says 'Coming soon' which will keep the audience excited about the release of the movie. The age rating for my film is 15 because there is violence in the film.
2) What is the genre of your film? How would your target audience know the design of your poster? E.g. Colour scheme, font choice, mise-en-scene (props, costume, character, setting).
The genre of my film is Thriller/Horror. The blood on the white shirt connotes violence and murder. I have shown that my movie is about horror by making the text black to red. The colour black connotes death, power and mystery. This allows the audience to recognise that the film is linked with death and mystery. The colour red connotes blood and crime so it could be linked with power, strength and danger. The central image is of the murderer looking down and there is blood on his shirt. The blood could allow the target audience to know that there will be horror in this film and the blood also suggests violence. The font I chose was big and bold so the target audience can clearly see the name of the film which is 'RESURRECTION' which means death so the audience will also know that the movie is about death.
3) What institutional information have you used to try and sell the film and how does this appeal to the audience? E.g. 'From the Producers of...' / Star power / Directors / Reviews.
I have used Warner bros, the production company I would want to sell my film. I have also included a positive review so the audience will know that this film is a good film to watch. This will encourage the audience to go and watch the film and have fun and other films created by the same production company or the same director. Warner bros is a successful American company who have created films like 'The Conjuring' My film will target the same audience as 'The Conjuring' as it is a horror film.
4) Where are there examples of synergy between your storyboard and trailer? (Synergy is the link or interaction between two different media texts).
There is synergy between my storyboard and trailer because my central image appears in both of them. My trailer starts with the institutional logo and also my storyboard starts with my institutional logo. My film poster and storyboard also include's a close-up of the murderer so the audience will be able to see the emotions. Towards the end of my trailer, it shows the title, tagline and the release date and it also does on my storyboard.
5) Extension: What Representations have you used in your film? (gender / race / age / character type)? Are these reinforcing or challenging stereotypes?
For my film, I have represented one ethnic minority. The murderer is a Caribbean teenager. Hollywood stereotypes will usually stereotype the ethnic minority as the murderer/killer in horror films and in this case it is. Hollywood stereotypes would usually think a killer/murderer in a horror film would be a male because some would think that a male is more vigorous.
The title 'RESURRECTION' means death so when the audience look at the title, they will know that this movie has death in it and is a thriller/horror movie.The central image for my film poster is the murderer and the blood on the shirt stands out to the audience to let the audience know that there will be violence in this film and the audience will automatically recognise that the film is horror. The central image is looking down because no one knows who he is. The tagline ' Just when you thought everything was fine' allows the audience to know more about what might happen during the film. The reviews of the film will let the audience know that this film is a great film to watch as newspaper companies rate it high and recommend to watch it. The release date says 'Coming soon' which will keep the audience excited about the release of the movie. The age rating for my film is 15 because there is violence in the film.
2) What is the genre of your film? How would your target audience know the design of your poster? E.g. Colour scheme, font choice, mise-en-scene (props, costume, character, setting).
The genre of my film is Thriller/Horror. The blood on the white shirt connotes violence and murder. I have shown that my movie is about horror by making the text black to red. The colour black connotes death, power and mystery. This allows the audience to recognise that the film is linked with death and mystery. The colour red connotes blood and crime so it could be linked with power, strength and danger. The central image is of the murderer looking down and there is blood on his shirt. The blood could allow the target audience to know that there will be horror in this film and the blood also suggests violence. The font I chose was big and bold so the target audience can clearly see the name of the film which is 'RESURRECTION' which means death so the audience will also know that the movie is about death.
3) What institutional information have you used to try and sell the film and how does this appeal to the audience? E.g. 'From the Producers of...' / Star power / Directors / Reviews.
I have used Warner bros, the production company I would want to sell my film. I have also included a positive review so the audience will know that this film is a good film to watch. This will encourage the audience to go and watch the film and have fun and other films created by the same production company or the same director. Warner bros is a successful American company who have created films like 'The Conjuring' My film will target the same audience as 'The Conjuring' as it is a horror film.
4) Where are there examples of synergy between your storyboard and trailer? (Synergy is the link or interaction between two different media texts).
There is synergy between my storyboard and trailer because my central image appears in both of them. My trailer starts with the institutional logo and also my storyboard starts with my institutional logo. My film poster and storyboard also include's a close-up of the murderer so the audience will be able to see the emotions. Towards the end of my trailer, it shows the title, tagline and the release date and it also does on my storyboard.
5) Extension: What Representations have you used in your film? (gender / race / age / character type)? Are these reinforcing or challenging stereotypes?
For my film, I have represented one ethnic minority. The murderer is a Caribbean teenager. Hollywood stereotypes will usually stereotype the ethnic minority as the murderer/killer in horror films and in this case it is. Hollywood stereotypes would usually think a killer/murderer in a horror film would be a male because some would think that a male is more vigorous.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Film trailer and poster analysis

Film poster key conventions:
Age certification
Institutional logo
This film poster conventions will attract potential audiences because it has an iconography of a gun and also has the stars on the bottom of the poster and the main star at the top of the movie poster, the main star may be recognised by the audience for types of movies the actors been in e.g. Liam Neeson is seen in action films a lot. This movie poster also has a famous quote from the movie in it which can get the audience excited for the movie.
Key conventions for this movie trailer:
Age certification
Institutional logo
Fast paced editing
Release date
Sound effects
Iconography/Mise en Scene
This movie trailer has fast paced cutting which will attract the audience so while the audience is watching the movie trailer, it will start to build up tension and get the audience excited. This movie trailer also shows the narrative, so in this case, Liam's daughter, Amanda gets kidnapped in Paris and Liam has to find her to save her from being killed. This will allow the audience to know what is going on during the movie but the ending isn't revealed. The movie trailer also has a setting, in Paris to let the audience know where the movie is taking place. The iconography will attract the audience because it is giving the audience an idea of how the main star will be capturing the rival.
In my opinion, the movie poster and trailer does successfully promote the film I have chosen because the movie poster has a central image of the Liam Neeson (The main star) holding a gun which tells the audience someone is going to be potentially killed in this film. The movie poster also has a famous quote from the film in it "If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long time that will make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, it will be the end of it."
This quote will fright the audience and will want to make them know what happens during the movie.
The movie trailer is also very successful because it builds up a lot of tension and wants the audience to know what happens during the movie. The explosions and chases makes the audience want to know what happens to the rival. The movie trailer also shows the audience the narrative of the movie but not the ending.
Thursday, 19 January 2017
Film case study institutional research
Your chosen movie
1) What film have you chosen? Taken
2) Why did you choose this film in particular? This film is a really interesting film and it is also very entertaining.
Institutional background
Use IMDB to find out the institutions behind your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then look for the production company and UK distributor.
1) What was the film studio or production company behind your chosen film?
Europacorp Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
2) Who was the distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the UK?
20th Century Fox
No brand loyalty
1) What genre does your chosen film fit into? Action, Thriller
2) How can you tell it fits that genre? The genre for this film specifically fits in with action, this is because there is gunshots, explosions and more.
3) Does your chosen film have any stars or a director that are known for that particular genre? Liam Neeson is a star in this movie and is very well known for action, thriller movies.
It’s all a matter of timing
1) What was the UK release date for your chosen film? 26 September 2008
2) When did the first trailer appear on YouTube for your movie? Find the earliest example you can and embed it in your blog. Uploaded on 8 Feb 2009
3) What other examples of marketing (teaser trailers, main trailers, newspaper or TV interviews etc.) can you find for your chosen film from before the film’s release date? Main trailers, teaser trailers, TV interviews.
Risky business
Use IMDB to find out the box office records for your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then Box Office/Business. You may want to use the excellent website Box Office Mojo to find out the budget and box office success for the film.
1) What was the original budget for your chosen film? $25 Million
2) How much money did the film make in the opening weekend? $24,717,037
3) How much money has the film made in total? (Look for the subheading ‘Gross’ which has the total box-office earnings listed). $226,830,568
4) For a film to be considered a box office success, it needs to make at least two-and-a-half times the budget in box office takings. Using this method, was the film you have chosen a success? (Or, if it's a recent release, do you expect it to be a box office success?) Yes, this movie is a success because it has made almost the budget they spent on the moving on the opening weekend and overall it has made more than 10 times the budget overall.
Stars in their eyes
Research the stars and director for your chosen film.
1) What films has the director previously directed? Are they in the same or similar genres? The director, Pierre Morel has directed in similar genres, mostly action.
2) Who is the main star in the film? Liam Neeson
3) What other films has the main star appeared in? Are any of the films similar to the one you are researching?
Liam Neeson has been in films including, Love actually, A monster calls and more movies that aren't just action. Love actually ( a film Liam Neeson starred) in is a film comedy-drama film and A monster calls in a movie fantasy/drama film.
4) Are the stars or the director or writer mentioned in the trailer for the film? The director and stars names shown at the end of the trailer.
1) What film have you chosen? Taken
2) Why did you choose this film in particular? This film is a really interesting film and it is also very entertaining.
Institutional background
Use IMDB to find out the institutions behind your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then look for the production company and UK distributor.
1) What was the film studio or production company behind your chosen film?
Europacorp Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
2) Who was the distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the UK?
20th Century Fox
No brand loyalty
1) What genre does your chosen film fit into? Action, Thriller
2) How can you tell it fits that genre? The genre for this film specifically fits in with action, this is because there is gunshots, explosions and more.
3) Does your chosen film have any stars or a director that are known for that particular genre? Liam Neeson is a star in this movie and is very well known for action, thriller movies.
It’s all a matter of timing
1) What was the UK release date for your chosen film? 26 September 2008
2) When did the first trailer appear on YouTube for your movie? Find the earliest example you can and embed it in your blog. Uploaded on 8 Feb 2009
3) What other examples of marketing (teaser trailers, main trailers, newspaper or TV interviews etc.) can you find for your chosen film from before the film’s release date? Main trailers, teaser trailers, TV interviews.
Risky business
Use IMDB to find out the box office records for your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then Box Office/Business. You may want to use the excellent website Box Office Mojo to find out the budget and box office success for the film.
1) What was the original budget for your chosen film? $25 Million
2) How much money did the film make in the opening weekend? $24,717,037
3) How much money has the film made in total? (Look for the subheading ‘Gross’ which has the total box-office earnings listed). $226,830,568
4) For a film to be considered a box office success, it needs to make at least two-and-a-half times the budget in box office takings. Using this method, was the film you have chosen a success? (Or, if it's a recent release, do you expect it to be a box office success?) Yes, this movie is a success because it has made almost the budget they spent on the moving on the opening weekend and overall it has made more than 10 times the budget overall.
Stars in their eyes
Research the stars and director for your chosen film.
1) What films has the director previously directed? Are they in the same or similar genres? The director, Pierre Morel has directed in similar genres, mostly action.
2) Who is the main star in the film? Liam Neeson
3) What other films has the main star appeared in? Are any of the films similar to the one you are researching?
Liam Neeson has been in films including, Love actually, A monster calls and more movies that aren't just action. Love actually ( a film Liam Neeson starred) in is a film comedy-drama film and A monster calls in a movie fantasy/drama film.
4) Are the stars or the director or writer mentioned in the trailer for the film? The director and stars names shown at the end of the trailer.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Fast and Furious 8
Genre: Action, Crime and Thriller
Narrative: Dom and Letty are on their honeymoon but then a women comes into Dom's life, she makes him betray his own family.
Characters: The characters in this movie are Hollywood stars. The main character (Vin Diesel) is a character who takes care of his family and will do anything for his family. Dwayne Johnson is also in this movie, Dwayne works with the police and as Dom is known as a criminal mastermind. Dwayne will have to work with his rival Jason Statham.
Iconography: The iconography for this action trailer is: Gunshots, Car chases, Explosion, Car crashes, Fighting, We can surely say that this is a action film.
Setting: The trailer shows some of the places where the movie takes place in. One of the places it takes place is a prison when Dwayne and Jason are held. The movie also takes place in the arctic where a lot of action takes place like explosions, This suggests action.
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Genre: The genre for this movie is Action and Thriller
Narrative: The narrative for this movie is that Peter Parker (Spider-Man) is a schoolboy who is trying to prove that he is capable of stopping crime and isn't the typical high school student.
Characters: The characters in this film are well known Hollywood stars. The main character Peter parker is a schoolboy who has a crush on a girl in his school and he tries to become one of the avengers as he has the ability to climb walls and fly from one wall to another using his spider webs. As iron man is trying to keep out of trouble, Peter is fed up of being treated as a kid so he's trying to prove himself.
Iconography: The iconography for this thriller trailer is: Robbery, Explosions, Glass smashing, Fighting, Guns and Car crashes. These all link with the genre thriller and action.
Setting: In the trailer, most of the places that have been used is in America. Spider-man is using his webs to swing along buildings on American streets, Another place it is set in is a bank where there are criminals robbing the bank but he is putting it to a stop. It is also set in a school where Peter is studying.
London has fallen
Genre: Action and thriller
Narrative: The narrative for this movie is that the American president and all world leaders head to London to attend a funeral however while they are in London a terrorist attack takes place trying to take out the leaders but the terrorists particularly want the American president to they can execute him live on television.
Characters: Mike Banning is a key character because he has to take care of the American president along with his colleagues however they pass away during the terrorist attack. Mike is the main hero because he is protecting the American president on his own against a strong armed rival.
Iconography: The iconography for this action trailer is: Explosion, Glass smashing, Fighting, Guns, Buildings being broken down.
Setting: This trailer takes place in London where the American president is going to attend the Prime Ministers funeral but then terrorists try to kidnap the American president and they do that.
Genre: Action, Crime and Thriller
Narrative: Dom and Letty are on their honeymoon but then a women comes into Dom's life, she makes him betray his own family.
Characters: The characters in this movie are Hollywood stars. The main character (Vin Diesel) is a character who takes care of his family and will do anything for his family. Dwayne Johnson is also in this movie, Dwayne works with the police and as Dom is known as a criminal mastermind. Dwayne will have to work with his rival Jason Statham.
Iconography: The iconography for this action trailer is: Gunshots, Car chases, Explosion, Car crashes, Fighting, We can surely say that this is a action film.
Setting: The trailer shows some of the places where the movie takes place in. One of the places it takes place is a prison when Dwayne and Jason are held. The movie also takes place in the arctic where a lot of action takes place like explosions, This suggests action.
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Genre: The genre for this movie is Action and Thriller
Narrative: The narrative for this movie is that Peter Parker (Spider-Man) is a schoolboy who is trying to prove that he is capable of stopping crime and isn't the typical high school student.
Characters: The characters in this film are well known Hollywood stars. The main character Peter parker is a schoolboy who has a crush on a girl in his school and he tries to become one of the avengers as he has the ability to climb walls and fly from one wall to another using his spider webs. As iron man is trying to keep out of trouble, Peter is fed up of being treated as a kid so he's trying to prove himself.
Iconography: The iconography for this thriller trailer is: Robbery, Explosions, Glass smashing, Fighting, Guns and Car crashes. These all link with the genre thriller and action.
Setting: In the trailer, most of the places that have been used is in America. Spider-man is using his webs to swing along buildings on American streets, Another place it is set in is a bank where there are criminals robbing the bank but he is putting it to a stop. It is also set in a school where Peter is studying.
London has fallen
Genre: Action and thriller
Narrative: The narrative for this movie is that the American president and all world leaders head to London to attend a funeral however while they are in London a terrorist attack takes place trying to take out the leaders but the terrorists particularly want the American president to they can execute him live on television.
Characters: Mike Banning is a key character because he has to take care of the American president along with his colleagues however they pass away during the terrorist attack. Mike is the main hero because he is protecting the American president on his own against a strong armed rival.
Iconography: The iconography for this action trailer is: Explosion, Glass smashing, Fighting, Guns, Buildings being broken down.
Setting: This trailer takes place in London where the American president is going to attend the Prime Ministers funeral but then terrorists try to kidnap the American president and they do that.
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